gemtcl_set name value gemtcl_get name
Dov Grobgeld <>
v0.1.1, Thursday 2008-12-25 12:01
This a user manual for using GemTcl. GemTcl is a tcl shell written in Gtk with the following features:
Interactive editing with history on Windows and *nix.
Create button boxes with common commands that may be saved.
Creation of complete interfaces through glade where the buttons may be edited through gemtcl.
Especially suited for remote control applications by any remote control mechanism supported by GemTcl, e.g. Corba or XmlRpc.
GemTcl allows creating button boxes that contain a set of buttons that have labels and scripts attached to them. To create a button box press File/New . Then press [New] to create a new button. The new button may has a default script attached to it that is run when the button is clicke with mouse button 1 . The label and the script of the button may be edited by right clicking on the button and pressing Edit.
When loading a glade interface GemTcl uses the names of the widgets for read and write access. The reading and writing are done through the two tcl commands:
gemtcl_set name value gemtcl_get name
E.g. consider an interface composed of an entry widget named "dist" containing a numeric value and a button that is supposed to increase the value in "dist". This may be done through the following script
gemtcl_set dist [expr [gemtcl_get dist]+1]
The following screenshot shows a glade interface of a simulated microscope application.
Here is a list of all the additional tcl commands defined by gemtcl. Most commands (those referencing widgets by name) are only relevant when glade files have been loaded.
Hide a widget from being displayed.
Show a widget that has been hidden.
Turn on the sensitivity of a widget.
Turn off sensitivy of a widget.
This command allows for recursion when running a loop. As the tcl interpreter is running in a different thread, it has no knowledge if any buttons have been pressed in gemtcl. By calling gemtcl_serve in the loop the control is temporarily passed back to the gtk thread and if any button has been pressed, it is served, and control is then returned to after gemtcl_serve.
It is typically used in a loop like this:
# In an init script proc gever args { set abort 0 while{!$abort} { gemtcl_serve exec $args } }
# In a "Start acquire button" gever { get_image; after 100 }
# In a "Stop acquire button" set abort 1
Load a gtf file.
Get value of a glade button.
Set the value of a glade button.
gemtcl_xmlrpc_server -on
to turn on the xmlrpc server. The port may be specified through the -port option:
gemtcl_xmlrpc_server -port 8825
To turn off the xmlrpc server do:
gemtcl_xmlrpc_server -off
gemtcl_xmlrpc_client - Send xmlrpc commands to remote server
Syntax: gemtcl_xmlrpc_client [-connect] [-handle handle] [-host host] [-port port] [-method m] [-params p]
Options: -connect Connect to a remote server and return a handle -close Disconnect a handle -handle h Handle returned from -connect option -host host Host to connect to -port port Port to connect to -method m Method to call -params p Parameter string
Example usage:
set xh [gemtcl_xmlrpc_client -connect -host localhost -port 8811] gemtcl_xmlrpc_client -handle $xh -method SetImage \ -params "/home/dov/pictures/elefant.pgm" gemtcl_xmlrpc_client -close -handle $xh
xnm - Parse strings in the xnm syntax
Syntax: xnm -get [-handle handle] [-file file] [-string s] [-key key] [-len]
Options: -file file Filename of file to parse -string string String to parse -key key Key to return value of -len Return length of an array. Returns -1 for non-arrays. -ref Returns type of value or under if not defined. -keylist Return a list of keys for a table. -parse Parse and return handle -handle h Preparsed object -close Close a handle
Example usage:
% set xnm [xnm -parse -string "foo=>{bar=>baz}"] % puts [xnm -handle $xnm -key foo:bar] baz
Returns concatinated contents of all strings sent by xmlrpc command AppendToLog. The string is then reset. The string is also reset whenever a new command is added from the command line, or through the pressing of a gemtcl button.
A simple tcl extension from my perl like background. Like in perl. Chops of the first member of an array and returns it. Typically used as follows:
set arg [shift args]
Shurtcut for "lindex 0". Useful for argument parsing.
# Parse command line flags while {[regexp "^-" [head $args]]} { set _ [shift args] : }
By turning on the tool xmlrpc, gemtcl is made to listen to the port 8822 for remote xmlrpc commands. (Note that this is a security hole as it is possible for a remote attacker to connect to gemtcl and execute arbitrary tcl commands. It should therefore be used only for secure computers.)
All commands receive a string as input and return a string as output.
The following commands are currently supported:
Checks communication. Returns pong.
Evaluates the parameter given as argument.
Prints string to the tcl window and adds it to the string retrievable through the tcl command gemtcl_get_last_command_log. This command is typically used by a remote controlled program to return log messages to the GemTcl.